Earwax Removal In Atlanta: Safely Clean Out Blockages

When visiting with your doctor at your annual physical, you'll likely have a quick ear exam. A doctor will shine a light into your ear canal to see if there are any blockages. If you have earwax blockages, you could be in severe pain. That's precisely why earwax removal in Atlanta is vital to living a healthy, pain-free life.
It's time to learn about earwax removal, how it helps, and why it's a safe, easy way to maintain cleanliness and health.
What Is Earwax Removal?
Earwax removal is the medical process of removing blockages in the ear. Your doctor will use a special tool called a curet to remove earwax from the ear canal.
Additionally, a doctor may use suction to remove excess wax. Before we go over the removal process in-depth, let's learn about earwax and earwax blockages in the ear canal.
What Is Earwax?
Earwax is a waxy substance that builds up in the ear. Also known as cerumen, earwax helps prevent dust and other harmful objects from damaging the eardrum. Earwax can range in color from brown to gray.
As beneficial as earwax may be for preserving the ear canal, too much earwax buildup can easily cause multiple health issues.
Earwax Blockage
Having an excess of earwax presents many health problems.
- Ear infection
- Dizziness
- Hearing loss
- Pain
- Irritation
- Ear discharge
- Tinnitus, or a ringing in your ear
If you experience any of these symptoms, contact your primary care or urgent care doctor immediately for further steps. Your doctor will likely attempt to remove the blockage on your next visit.
The Earwax Removal Process
The process is straightforward and painless when you meet with your doctor to remove wax from the ear canal.
First, the doctor may use the aforementioned curet to dig out the wax. This standard practice involves the medical professional digging out wax manually.
Depending on the situation, Atlanta medical providers can also use syringes with hydrogen peroxide to help. The syringe helps irrigate the ear, effectively flushing out the now-softened wax.
Depending on the severity of the ear canal blockage, doctors may prescribe ear drops to help with any issues after the cleaning.
Another thing to note: your ears may have sensitivity immediately following the cleaning, so don't worry.
Earwax Do's And Don'ts
With earwax, just as important as it is to examine the proper removal procedures, we should also explore what not to do.
Don't use Q-tips To Remove Earwax
Although many use Q-tips or cotton swabs to attempt to remove earwax, it's universally condemned by doctors.
In fact, Unilever includes an explicit warning message not to use them for their most popular use. Unfortunately for Q-tips and people who misuse them, the idea of using Q-tips to remove earwax has taken hold.
When someone uses a Q-tip, it encourages further Q-tip use. Here’s how it works: each time someone removes earwax with a Q-tip, it leaves dry skin. Dry skin itches and people are tempted to further itch with these signature swabs.
But do you need to remove earwax on your own? No, since ears are self-cleaning. So regular Q-tip use is unnecessary.
In short, a cotton swab (or any other improvised tool, like a paperclip) will likely push the earwax further into the ear canal. Likewise, casually attempting to remove earwax with these tools can cause damage to your eardrum.
Don't Depend On Alternative Earwax Removal Treatments
While attempting to remove earwax on your own may be tempting, it's not recommended.
For example, a popular method of removing wax is the 'ear candling' method. This wax removal method uses a cheap, hollowed-out cone coated in paraffin wax. Individuals then light the candle while lying on their side, letting it burn for around 15 minutes. Ear candling is also known as ‘ear coning.’
Does ear candling work? Although this method seems straightforward and fairly easy, you should avoid it. Advocates say that the heat softens the wax inside the ear canal, but the risks associated with ear candling are too significant. For example, ash can burn your skin, or compound your earwax buildup problems, leaving you in a worse spot than before.
Using improvised tools to remove wax and ear candling isn't safe or effective. And with your ears, you can’t be counterintuitive.
Again, improper use can severely damage your ear canal and eardrum. Instead, always consult a medical professional about ear problems; taking the initiative without medical training or insight can further harm your body.
See Your Doctor
When in doubt, contact your healthcare provider. Atlanta urgent cares can easily remove earwax blockages if you're in a pinch and need quick and efficient health care.
Don't depend on home earwax removal remedies, many of which worsen the problem.
Prepare For Your Earwax Removal
When showing up for your appointment with your doctor to remove the wax from your ear, it's crucial to speak in-depth with your doctor. Divulge any symptoms, hearing trouble, and prior health conditions you may have experienced.
Earwax Removal In Atlanta With WestsideMed
Medical providers at WestsideMed, an urgent care in Atlanta, provide comprehensive earwax removals. If you're experiencing ear pain, an ear infection, or have any drainage, get in contact with medical experts at WestsideMed.
Whether it's your annual physical or a quick x-ray, urgent care, and primary care doctors in Atlanta can provide these medical staples.
Don't sit in pain with excess earwax blockages; contact WestsideMed for quick and efficient service.
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